• contact@tradutex.ro
  • Urgențe: 0723.063.253



Autorhorized translations






Audio recording transcript



Make up

Authorized translations

Our team of translators offers great quality authorized translations, made by experimented authorized translators from the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Macedonian, Polish, Slovenian, Slovak, Czech, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Vietnamese into Romanian and retroversion or combinations between them.

We translate general and also specialized documents. Benefit from cheap translations in Brasov!

Fields of specialization

Legal translation: all types of agreements, legal regulations, affidavits, authorizations/powers of attorney, company incorporation papers, land records, invitations, Court judgments, minutes;

Economic translation: balance sheets, tax sheets, financial statements, accounting documentation, bank loan documents, market research, payrolls, bank documents;

Technical translations: technical manuals, operation manuals, international standards, procedures, specification sheets, tender books, technical leaflets/brochures;

Car document translation: registration certificates, owner certificates, car agreements, car insurance documents;

Software translation: websites, presentations of products, operation manuals;

Journalistic translation: cultural magazines, interviews, brochures, travel leaflets.

For the authorized translations you can send your documents by e-mail, fax or courier. The translated documents can be returned in electronic format or by courier.

TRADUTEX sets at your disposal the free rapid courier for authorized translations which excel 200 lei, in any locality from Romania. For the authorized translations which have a smaller value, the tariffs vary according to the area in which you live. Emergency translation services for Brasov.


Upon demand, TRADUTEX can insure the authentication, superlegalisation or apostille of your documents and their delivery.

All our translators are authorized by the Ministry of Justice, which allows their translations to be authenticated by a Public Notary in order to be acknowledged by the official authorities and institutions.

Authenticated translations without additional pay

Our translation office does not perceive additional pay for the authenticated translations. In the case in which you would like your translation to be authenticated you will pay only the amount perceived by the notary public office, 40 lei/document.

Apostille/ Superlegalisation

In Romania the designated authority to issue apostille certificates is the Perfect’s Institution. The Apostille is a certificate confirming the seal and signature of the person who authenticated the document and it is the same in all the countries which are members of the Hague Convention. In order to be valid, once the apostille is obtained, Romanian documents must be translated into the language of the destination country, notarized by the Notary Public and then finally superlegalised by the competent Court in jurisdiction of which such Notary Public operates. Now you can count on us and relax because though it might look a cumbersome process, it is not a problem for us!

List of Hague Convention member countries

Albania, South Africa, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Bulgaria, China (Hong Kong), China (Macao), Columbia, Cook Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominica, Ecuador, Estonia, Switzerland, El Salvador, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, F.R.I. Macedonia, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Great Britain and Northern, Ireland, Marshal Island, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Namibia, Norway, Niue, New Zeeland, Netherlands, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Suriname, Swaziland, United States of America, Sweden, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela.

Documents which require apostille

  • Vital Statistics records (birth, marriage, death certificates) – international type;
  • Certificates attesting the marital status;
  • Criminal records valid for at least one month;
  • Certificates attesting residence and citizenship;
  • School documents. High school and post high school documents shall be previously endorsed by the Education County Boards and higher education documents shall be previously endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, the National Centre for the Recognition and Validation of Studies, Bucharest;
  • Medical certificates, previously endorsed by the Ministry of Health, Health County Office;
  • Baptism/ Wedding certificates, previously endorsed by the Ministry of Culture;
  • Certificates attesting work service, previously endorsed by the National House of Pensions and Other Social Insurance Rights within the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity;
  • Certificates of origin for goods, previously endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest;
  • Commercial invoices, previously endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest;
  • Judgements of divorce.

  DTP (Desktop Publishing)

The quality of the graphic form plays a very important role in the translation process. Our team has developed a specific method to make your translated documents ready for print. We convert source documents into editable text formats so that the translation is similar to the original one, integrating the translated text into graphics editing programs such as: MS Word, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, Corel, PageMaker, Quark, html.

Before requesting this service, please make sure that you have at least the original images and symbol fonts which were used when drawing up the original document.


TRADUTEX can insure successfully any of the two type of interpretation:

  • Consecutive interpreting
  • Simultaneous interpreting

Consecutive interpreting

The consecutive interpreting is generally useful the small meetings and hearings in a court, accompanying the foreign delegations, notary services for foreign persons etc, and does not require special equipment.

Simultaneous interpreting

The simultaneous translation needs, besides the experienced interpreters, professional sound systems which include cabins for interpreters, presidium support, headphones, loudspeakers and the assistance of at least one sound engineer.

Details necessary for the interpretation

If you send us details regarding your event we can answer your needs by a detailed offer. In this sense we need the following information:

   –  the date and place of the event

   –  theme and field

   –  duration and structure

   –  language pair

   –  number of participants

   –  type of interpretation required.

A foregoing discussion with the event organizer proves often to be very useful.


This type of interpretation does not require technical equipment. The interpreter quietly conveys the message into the target language to one single auditor.

Audio recording transcript

TRADUTEX provides audio recordings transcript on any kind.

The details necessary in making a transcript:

  –  recording format

  –  number of minutes of the recording

  –  what does the recording represent

  –  number of participants within the recording

  –  audio recording quality

  –  transcript language.

The tariff for the audio transcript is paid by minute.


The subtitling of a film or video represents a complex process which supposes to have talent, specialty knowledge, synthesis capacity and experience is satisfying technical requirements which regard which regard the synchronization of the subtitles with the images. In addition, the cultural knowledge is essential in order to supply subtitling services perfectly adapted for the target group.

Professional subtitling services

TRADUTEX offers professional subtitling services in the main European languages for a large scale of movies and videos: advertisements, companies’ presentations, human resources presentations, training materials for the e-learning platforms etc. By transcription services we can also help in the projects where you don’t have a script.

Details required for subtitling

You only have to inform us about the specific elements of your project and we will send you the best price quotation. In order to assess the subtitling difficulty, we need the following information:

   –  the delivery support for the material;

   –  film format (dvd, divx, etc.);

   –  video subject (if the film is not accompanied by its script).


The collation service consists in the work of an existing translation proofreading by an authorized translator. This one can make any type of modifications to the supplied text, as he/she considers necessary, following that the translation is given to the client in its authorized form, bearing the stamp of that translator. Also, the translation can be given in authenticated form by the notary.

Tariffs: 50%-80% of the translation price, according to the work volume for that particular material. The translations supplied for proofreading unedited will be paid as a normal translation.

Make up

Additional to the authorized translation services, the translated documents that you already have, can be made up at the required quality standards. The works made by us contain implicitly diacritics, without being paid separately.

The prices are calculated for reduced complexity (just text). For average complexity (graphics, tables) or large complexity (formulas, technical specialty terms) the price can increase and it is settled on a common basis with the client.

Opening Hours

    Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:30
    Saturday/Sunday – ONLINE.

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