• contact@tradutex.ro
  • Urgențe: 0723.063.253



TRADUTEX may successfully provide any of the two types of interpretation:

– consecutive interpretation

– simultaneous interpretation

Consecutive interpretation

The consecutive interpretation is generally useful for small meetings or hearings within a prosecutor’s office, accompanying foreign delegations, notary office services for foreign persons etc., and does not require special equipment.


For this type of interpretation technical equipment is not necessary. The interpreter provides the message in the required language to one listener, in his ear. 

Simultaneous interpretation

The simultaneous interpretation requires, besides interpreters with a particular experience in this type of services, professional sound systems which include interpreters booths, presiding chair support, headphones, speakers and the support of at least one sound engineer.

Details necessary in fulfilling an interpretation

If you send us details about your event, we will be able to send you a detailed offer. For this we would need the following information:

– date and place of the event

– topic and field

– duration and structure

– pair of languages

– number of participants

– type of translation required.

A previous discussion with event planner is usually very useful.

Opening Hours

    Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:30
    Saturday/Sunday – ONLINE.

Social Media

    Visit Us On FacebookVisit Us On YoutubeVisit Us On Linkedin


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